
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016



qicheng design ranked first in the "medical senior care classification business list" in di magazine china's civil architectural design market ranking.

2019-2020 · di magazine 中国民用建筑设计市场排行榜于近日公布,栖城设计荣登“医疗养老分类业务榜”第一位。

dec 12,2020/

媒体报道 | 回到设计原点和兴趣 - 风口上的康养设计

after real estate, the health care industry is becoming a field with great potential. from the beginning of the layout 10 years ago, after a steady path of advanced growth, qicheng design has become the leading company in the field of health care real estate design. di magazine reported on qicheng design.

房地产之后,康养产业正成为巨大风口。从10年前布局始,经过稳扎稳打的进阶成长之路,栖城设计成为了康养地产设计领域的头部公司。di magazine由此对栖城设计进行了报道。

dec 12,2020/

将快闪咖啡馆搬进康养展会 / 下一站 周五 广州见

on october 28, 2020, the 20th china aid exhibition opened. qicheng design received hundreds of new and old customers with the coffee beans from faema italy and furniture from avarte finland.

2020年10月28日,第20届china aid展开幕,栖城设计如约亮相,三天的展会接待了数百批次新老客户朋友。这一次,我们将舒适的咖啡馆搬进了展厅,在意大利faema现磨咖啡豆芳香和芬兰avarte家具环境里,坐下来慢慢聊。

nov 11,2020/

news | 腾讯武汉研发中心获gda德国国家设计奖

tencent wuhan r&d center by qicheng design has been recognized by international design awards again recently, winning the special mention of gda 2021.

栖城设计作品腾讯武汉研发中心(tencent wuhan r&d center)于近日再次得到国际设计奖项的认可,荣获2021年度gda德国国家设计奖特别表彰奖。

sep 09,2020/


2020 is a special year, which makes reunion extremely precious. in the mid-autumn festival of every year, qicheng always presents blessings and gifts. this time, qicheng presents the twg customized mid-autumn festival gift box to the guests, including two mooncakes and blended tea specially made by twg tea.

2020是一个特别的年份,团圆在这一刻显得格外珍贵。每一年的中秋,栖城总是将祝福携薄礼奉上,本次栖城以twg定制版中秋礼盒,赠送佳人,除了两枚月饼外,还有twg tea为月饼专配的一款调配茶。

sep 09,2020/

news | 栖城设计获中兴·粤港澳大湾区生命健康新生活基地项目设计权

qicheng design won the bidding of gba life and health new life base project, taking the charge of the comprehensive design and implementation of the project, which includes architecture, interior and landscape.


sep 09,2020/


on august 27th, the fifth china elderly care industry lujiazui summit was held at the shanghai international convention center. qicheng design partner guan yiqun and xu wei from glab research center were invited to share the "qicheng health care design trend report 2020" at the health care design salon in this first offline industry communication event after the epidemic.


aug 08,2020/

终极改善,家里有条40米运动环道 | 田字房

now we all have a period of static life experience, which will greatly affect our subconscious decision-making in the future. it is meaningless to discuss the unit type under the epidemic. but this incident makes us think out of the box, realizing the importance of the basic health issues and home experience.


mar 03,2020/
