
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016



west bank, an art and culture corridor winds along the riverside of xuhui, shanghai, presenting a gorgeous turn of industrial brown land to the world. in july 2020, xuhui binjiang project was put into use. it was jointly completed by a number of design institutions, including american kpf, qicheng landscape, shanghai architectural design and research institute, lead8, etc

上海西岸,一条艺术文化走廊蜿蜒于徐汇滨江,向世人呈现了一个工业棕地的华丽转身。2020年7月,徐汇滨江城开中心正式投用,项目汇集了包括美国kpf、栖城景观、上海建筑设计研究院、lead8 等在内的多家设计机构共同协作完成。

oct 10,2021/

栖城设计 / 弱边界,强场景,阳光派 / 产业园设计辑

real estate is returning to the ordinary industry. the strategic emerging industry represented by "specialization and innovation" is becoming the leading force and new engine for the sustainable and healthy development of china's economy.


nov 11,2021/

康复医院设计 | 书上不会告诉你的知识点!

over the past decade, gn architects has made outstanding achievements in the field of great health, and has completed more than 170 health care and medical projects nationwide. xu yaqing, design director of the medical department, gave a speech "hospital of medical people" which was favored by designers.

十多年来,栖城设计在大健康领域成绩卓越,于全国完成170 个康养及医疗项目。近日栖城内部第八期分享会上,医疗部门设计总监徐亚庆的主题演讲“医人之院”,以自身十多年的医疗设计经验出发,结合对使用者需求的观察,详解了易混淆医疗项目的概念和康复医院的设计要点。

nov 11,2021/

news | 栖城设计获西部空间信息产业基地概念方案设计竞赛一等奖

in september 2021, in the project design competition of xi'an western spatial information industry base, gn architects won the first prize of the competition with "super surface, huizhi valley" and promoted the deepening design work.


nov 11,2021/

news | 栖城设计受邀参编国家老年人建筑设计行业标准修订

recently, gn architects have received an invitation from harbin institute of technology. due to the outstanding achievements of our design work in the fields of great health, health care and medical design over the years, we were specially invited to participate in the revision of architectural design standard for elderly care facilities jgj 450-2018.

2018年中国住建部发布《老年人照料设施建筑设计标准》jgj 450-2018,是目前国内老年人建筑设计的行业标准,其中多条规范为强制性条文。 近日栖城收到哈尔滨工业大学邀请将参编《老年人照料设施建筑设计标准》jgj 450-2018的修订工作。

nov 11,2021/

媒体报道&获奖 | 栖城设计:以设计之力推动中国康养行业进化

gn architects was invited to attend the architecture and environment summit forum held at the same time, and delivered a speech on china's health care design and future trends at the forum. after this forum, the reporter of sina.com conducted an on-site interview with shen lijiang, managing partner and general manager of gn architects.


oct 10,2021/

栖城glab精选 | 8个康养实践项目详解 8篇深度研究报告

since 2020, glab has successively reviewed and analyzed the selected 8 representative health care community projects based on the 10-year health care practical experience of gn architects


mar 03,2020/
